URI: https://ojs.tripaledu.com/jefa/article/view/57/69
Relationship between Unemployment and Macroeconomics Aggregates: Evidence from Bangladesh
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1991/jefa.v4i2.a36
Using Vector Error Correction analysis, the paper finds that co-integrated series converge it their long-run equilbruim at a speed of 17.24% per annum at 1% significance level. In case short-run, the study finds that a unit increase in GDP growth rate decreases unemployment by approximately 0.0159 units in short-run at 1% statistically significance level. Likewise, a unit increase in inflation rate will lead approximately 0.004 units drop in unemployment rate at 10% significance level. Plus, it also observes that a unit in Foreign Direct Investment flows causes 0.005 units decrease in unemployment rate in short-run at 5% significance level.
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