
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

  • Papers should be in English and in MS Office Word format.
  • Submit manuscripts either emailing to or through online submission.

  • Submission Fee:
    The journal has been running free of charge for many years, but due to high number of submissions, we will start to impose non-refundable 50 USD submission fee by 1 September 2024. The fee should be paid to our PayPal ( account and the authors need to send Paypal receipt with their submission article [waiver emails or submissions without payment receipts will be ignored]. This fee is necessary to:

    1. Deter Low-Quality Submissions: The submission fee will help in filtering out submissions that do not meet the required academic standards, ensuring that only serious and high-quality work is considered for review.

    2. Save Editorial and Review Time: With the growing volume of submissions, the fee will contribute to more efficient use of the editorial and peer review resources, allowing our team to focus on manuscripts that are most likely to advance the field.

    3. Enhance the Quality of Published Work: By focusing on high-quality submissions, we aim to improve the overall standard of articles published in our journal, contributing to a stronger reputation and greater impact within the academic community.

    4. Support Journal Operations: The fee will also help cover operational costs, including the coordination of the review process, editorial work, and publication-related expenses, thereby maintaining the sustainability and quality of our journal.

  • In both cases (email and online submission), the authors accept this "Authors Guideline" policy automatically.
  • The journal does not employ any fee at any stage of journal production including submission, review and publication processes.
  • The submitted paper should not have been previously published, nor should it be under consideration by another journal.
  • The first page of the manuscript should contain:
    • The title (only initials are in Uppercase)
    • The name(s) and institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s) (Initial of name and whole surname are in capital letters )
    • The address, telephone, and fax numbers (as well as the e-mail address) of the corresponding author and co-authors.
    • An abstract of 250 words
    • A biography of 250 words (optional)
    • 6 keywords
    • JEL Classificatipn Codes
  • Paget Setup: The structure of paper (A4) should follow margins: 2.5 cm from top and bottom and 2 cm from right and left.
  • Text: A single space should be used in text with 6 pt space after each paragraph. The font in main body should be Calibri in 11pt size.
  • Additionally, equations should be in MS Word-Equation form.
  • Figures and tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. Consider only 4 digits after decimal point (Ex: 62.88%). Table and Figures must be prepared in MS Office Word/Excel programs. Please avoid to use any picture formats (jpg, png, and etc.) for tables & figures.
  • Manuscripts should be approximately 5,000 to 8,000 words. Longer manuscripts will be considered only in exceptional circumstances.
  • Manuscripts should be original works and must not be submitted elsewhere while under consideration by JEFA.
  • The authors should avoid self-citations unless it is necessary.
  • Articles will be reviewed by the Editors and will be forwarded for peer review upon their assessment.The citations should follow APA Style (6th) referencing system, and references should be listed at the end of the main text in alphabetical order.
  • The text font for footnotes should be Calibri, and size should be 10pt. They should be kept to a minimum, and lengthy notes are strongly discouraged.


Articles should be written in clear, jargon-free English with adequate but not excessive documentation. JEFA aims to be accessible to a variety of readers: scholars from diverse disciplines, policy-makers, and journalists, among others.  


The following examples illustrate citations using the APA style (6th) citation system. Each example of a reference list entry is accompanied by an example of a corresponding parenthetical citation in the text.
Note: You also can use "and" instead of "&".

Material TypeIn-Text CitationReference List & Notes
Book: Single author(Becker, 1964)Becker, G.S. (1964). Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis with Special Reference to Education. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research.
Book: Two authors(Adelman & Morris, 1973, p.45) But when outside parenthesis: Adelman and Morris (1973) suggested that ...Adelman, I., & Morris, C.T. (1973). Economic Growth and Social Equity in Developing Countries. California, Stanford University Press.
Book: 3 or more authors(Glasgow et al., 2006)Glasgow, N.A., McNary, S.J., & Hicks, C.D. (2006). What successful teachers do in diverse classrooms. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Book: Different editions(Zirpoli, 2008)Zirpoli, T.J. (2008). Behavior management: Applications for teachers (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Book: No author & No Editor("The Theory of Care," 1978)*** Titles of an article, chapter, or web page should be placed in double quotation marks. Titles of a periodical, book, report, or brochure should be italicizedThe theory of care. (1978). Hazards of primary care in aging populations (2nd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: J.B. Lippincott.*** Place the title of the chapter or dictionary/encyclopedia entry in the author spot when there is no author.
Book: with editor, but no author(Hallinan, 2006)Hallinan, M.T. (Ed.). (2006). Handbook of the sociology of education. New York: Springer. *** Use (Eds.) instead of (Ed.) for more than one editor.
Book: with editors, but no author (referencing a chapter)("Relativity," 2005)Relativity. (2005). In B. Schulyer (Ed.), Psychological terms and meanings (2nd ed., Vol. 35, pp. 235-238). London, England: Bookies.
Book: Organisation as author First:(Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 2000)
Subsequents: (ABS, 2000)
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2000). Population by age and sex, New South Wales, 30 June 2000 (ABS Cat. no. 3235.1). Canberra, Australian Capital Territory: Author. Where the author and publisher are identical, use the word Author as the name of the publisher.
Book: Chapter [ie. article] in edited book(Groundwater-Smith, 2007)Groundwater-Smith, S. (2007). As rain is to fields, so good teachers are to students. In S. Knipe (Ed.), Middle years schooling:  Reframing adolescence (pp. 151-170). Frenchs Forest, N.S.W: Pearson Education Australia.
Book: Different works by same author in same yearDistinguish the works by placing ‘a’ ‘b’ ‘c’, etc after the publication date (Glenn & Johnson, 1964a)
(Glenn & Johnson, 1964b)
Glenn, W.H., & Johnson, D.A. (1964a). Calculating devices. London: John Murray. Glenn, W.H., & Johnson, D.A. (1964b). Graphs. London: Murray.
Reference book: Entry(Keyormarsi, O'Leary & Pardee, 2007)Keyormarsi, K., O'Leary, N., & Pardee, A. B. (2007). Cell division. In McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science & technology (9th ed., Vol. 3, pp. 618-621). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Journal: Single author (Acemoglu, 1997) Acemoglu, D. (1997). Training and Innovation in an Imperfect Labor Market. Review of Economic Studies, 64 (3), 445-464.
Journal: Two authors(Sovbetov & Moussa, 2017) But when outside parenthesis:
Sovbetov and Moussa (2017) suggested that ...
Sovbetov, Y., & Moussa, M. (2017). Interaction of Economic Freedom and Foreign Direct Investment Globally: Special Cases from Neglected Regions. Journal of Economics and Financial Analysis, 1 (1), 59-80
Book: 3 or more authors(Karimova et al., 2017)Karimova, A., Caliskan, A., & Karimov, J. (2017). Global Credit Supply and External Exposure in Turkey. Journal of Economics and Financial Analysis, 1 (1), 15-34.
Journals: Not printed, but online(Negi et al., 2010)Negi, N.J., Bender, K.A., Furman, R., Fowler, D.N., & Prickett, J.C. (2010). Enhancing self-awareness: A practical strategy to train culturally responsive social work students. Advances in Social Work, 11 (2), 223-234. Retrieved from
Paper in conference proceedings in print(Game, 2001)Game, A. (2001). Creative ways of being. In J.R. Morss, N. Stephenson & J.F.H.V. Rappard (Eds.), Theoretical issues in psychology: Proceedings of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology 1999 Conference (pp. 3-12). Sydney: Springer.
Paper in conference proceedings online: Electronic database(Balakrishnan, 2006)Balakrishnan, R. (2006, March). Why aren't we using 3D user interfaces, and will we ever? Paper presented at the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces.
Conference papers: Unpublished(Santhanam, Martin, Goody & Hicks, 2001)Santhanam, E., Martin, K., Goody, A., & Hicks, O. (2001). Bottom-up steps towards closing the loop in feedback on teaching: A CUTSD project. Paper presented at Teaching and Learning Forum - Expanding horizons in teaching and learning, Perth, Australia, 7-9 February 2001.
Working papers(Imberman et al., 2009)Imberman, S., Kugler, A.D., & Sacerdote, B. (2009). Katrina’s children: evidence on the structure of peer effects from hurricane evacuees (Working Paper No. 15291). Retrieved from National Bureau of Economic Research website:
Thesis in print: Unpublished(Lockhart, 2009)Lockhart, E. (2009). The physical education curriculum choices of Western Australian primary school teachers (Unpublished master’s thesis). University of Western Australia.
Thesis in print: Published(May, 2007)May, B. (2007). A survey of radial velocities in the zodiacal dust cloud. Bristol, UK: Canopus Publishing.
Thesis online: Electronic database(Brown, 2013)Brown, Y. (2013). Valuation of Cryptocurrencies (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from,MTkxNTc=
Newspapers: with author(Shadid, 2011)Shadid, A. (2011, November 14). Qatar Wields An Outsize Influence in Arab Politics. The New York Times. Retrieved from
Newspaper: without author("A bouncy bantam", 2006)A bouncy bantam: A Gulf state asserts itself in the world (2006, September 7). The Economist. Retrieved from
Reports(Western Australia. Department of Health Nursing and Midwifery Office, 2013).Western Australia. Department of Health Nursing and Midwifery Office. (2013). Aboriginal Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan 2011-2015. Retrieved from
Technical/Company Reports: with author(Colbert, 2011)Colbert, C. (2011). Netflix, Inc. Los Gatos, CA United States. Retrieved from
Technical/Company Reports: no author(Netflix, 2011)Netflix, Inc. Lansing, MI United States. (2011). Retrieved from
Fact sheet(CSIRO Minerals Down Under National Research Flagship, 2011)CSIRO Minerals Down Under National Research Flagship. (2011). Driving sustainability through system innovation [Fact sheet]. Retrieved from
Press release(Perth Zoo, 2014)Perth Zoo. (2014, March 11). Meerkat kits born at Perth Zoo [Press release]. Retrieved from
Web page(Australian Psychological Society, 2008)Australian Psychological Society. (2008). Substance abuse: Position statement. Retrieved from
Note: When citing an entire website and not a particular document on the website give the address in-text only. No reference list entry required (See APA Style Guide to Electronic Sources, 2013, p. 32)
Web page: No author(“Improve indigenous housing”, 2007)
Use the first few words of the page title
Improve indigenous housing now, governments told. (2007). Retrieved from
Web page: No date(Jones, n.d.)Jones, M. D. (n.d.). Commentary on indigenous housing initiatives. Retrieved from
Webpage: No author or date: With quote(“Mindfulness meditation”, n.d., para 8)
Count paragraphs if not numbered
Mindfulness meditation. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Discussion forum/blog entries(Genc, 2014)Genc, D. (2014, February 26). Turkmenistanda Acylan Tolegli Dowlet Okuwlarynyn Yyllyk Nyrhnamasy [Online forum/blog entry]. Retrieved from
Electronic mailing list(Anderson, 2005)Anderson, O. (2005, June 2). Re: Psychology of terrorism [Electronic mailing list message]. Retrieved from


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format. The structure of paper (A4) should follow margins: 2.5 cm from top and bottom and 2 cm from right and left.
  3. The text is single-spaced with 6 pt space after each paragraph; uses a 11-point Calibri font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses).
    The text font for footnotes is also Calibri with the size of 10 pt.
  4. Figures and tables are numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals, and are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end. Use dot for a decimal separator, and comma for a thousands-separator. Consider only 4 digits after decimal point (Ex: 62.88%). Tables & Figures should be manually prepared (editable, not in picture formats).
  5. The equations are in Microsoft Word-Equation form (not an image).
  6. The citations follow APA 6th referencing system, and references should be listed at the end of the main text in alphabetical order. More details can be found in Author Guidelines.
  7. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  8. Article submission fee of non-refundable 50 USD should be paid to our Paypal account ( The payment receipt should be sent to us with submitted paper.

Copyright Notice

JEFA owns copyright to all published works and have the right of first publication, both in print and online, unless other arrangements are made with the Editors in advance. The journal adopts a BOAI-compliant open access policy providing an immediate public-free access to its contents, with the purpose to support a greater global exchange of knowledge, under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-NC-ND) which allows users to copy, distribute and re-use of an open access article only with non-commercial purposes identifying its original authors, citation details, and the publisher.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Submission: 50.00 (USD)
Authors are required to pay a non-refundable Article Submission Fee as part of the submission process to contribute to review costs.

If you do not have funds to pay such fees, you will have an opportunity to waive each fee. We do not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work.