Book: Single author | (Becker, 1964) | Becker, G.S. (1964). Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis with Special Reference to Education. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research. |
Book: Two authors | (Adelman & Morris, 1973, p.45) But when outside parenthesis: Adelman and Morris (1973) suggested that ... | Adelman, I., & Morris, C.T. (1973). Economic Growth and Social Equity in Developing Countries. California, Stanford University Press. |
Book: 3 or more authors | (Glasgow et al., 2006) | Glasgow, N.A., McNary, S.J., & Hicks, C.D. (2006). What successful teachers do in diverse classrooms. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. |
Book: Different editions | (Zirpoli, 2008) | Zirpoli, T.J. (2008). Behavior management: Applications for teachers (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. |
Book: No author & No Editor | ("The Theory of Care," 1978)*** Titles of an article, chapter, or web page should be placed in double quotation marks. Titles of a periodical, book, report, or brochure should be italicized | The theory of care. (1978). Hazards of primary care in aging populations (2nd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: J.B. Lippincott.*** Place the title of the chapter or dictionary/encyclopedia entry in the author spot when there is no author. |
Book: with editor, but no author | (Hallinan, 2006) | Hallinan, M.T. (Ed.). (2006). Handbook of the sociology of education. New York: Springer. *** Use (Eds.) instead of (Ed.) for more than one editor. |
Book: with editors, but no author (referencing a chapter) | ("Relativity," 2005) | Relativity. (2005). In B. Schulyer (Ed.), Psychological terms and meanings (2nd ed., Vol. 35, pp. 235-238). London, England: Bookies. |
Book: Organisation as author |
First:(Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 2000) Subsequents: (ABS, 2000) | Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2000). Population by age and sex, New South Wales, 30 June 2000 (ABS Cat. no. 3235.1). Canberra, Australian Capital Territory: Author. Where the author and publisher are identical, use the word Author as the name of the publisher. |
Book: Chapter [ie. article] in edited book | (Groundwater-Smith, 2007) | Groundwater-Smith, S. (2007). As rain is to fields, so good teachers are to students. In S. Knipe (Ed.), Middle years schooling: Reframing adolescence (pp. 151-170). Frenchs Forest, N.S.W: Pearson Education Australia. |
Book: Different works by same author in same year | Distinguish the works by placing ‘a’ ‘b’ ‘c’, etc after the publication date (Glenn & Johnson, 1964a) (Glenn & Johnson, 1964b) | Glenn, W.H., & Johnson, D.A. (1964a). Calculating devices. London: John Murray. Glenn, W.H., & Johnson, D.A. (1964b). Graphs. London: Murray. |
Reference book: Entry | (Keyormarsi, O'Leary & Pardee, 2007) | Keyormarsi, K., O'Leary, N., & Pardee, A. B. (2007). Cell division. In McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science & technology (9th ed., Vol. 3, pp. 618-621). New York: McGraw-Hill. |
Journal: Single author |
(Acemoglu, 1997) |
Acemoglu, D. (1997). Training and Innovation in an Imperfect Labor Market. Review of Economic Studies, 64 (3), 445-464. |
Journal: Two authors | (Sovbetov & Moussa, 2017) But when outside parenthesis: Sovbetov and Moussa (2017) suggested that ... | Sovbetov, Y., & Moussa, M. (2017). Interaction of Economic Freedom and Foreign Direct Investment Globally: Special Cases from Neglected Regions. Journal of Economics and Financial Analysis, 1 (1), 59-80 |
Book: 3 or more authors | (Karimova et al., 2017) | Karimova, A., Caliskan, A., & Karimov, J. (2017). Global Credit Supply and External Exposure in Turkey. Journal of Economics and Financial Analysis, 1 (1), 15-34. |
Journals: Not printed, but online | (Negi et al., 2010) | Negi, N.J., Bender, K.A., Furman, R., Fowler, D.N., & Prickett, J.C. (2010). Enhancing self-awareness: A practical strategy to train culturally responsive social work students. Advances in Social Work, 11 (2), 223-234. Retrieved from |
Paper in conference proceedings in print | (Game, 2001) | Game, A. (2001). Creative ways of being. In J.R. Morss, N. Stephenson & J.F.H.V. Rappard (Eds.), Theoretical issues in psychology: Proceedings of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology 1999 Conference (pp. 3-12). Sydney: Springer. |
Paper in conference proceedings online: Electronic database | (Balakrishnan, 2006) | Balakrishnan, R. (2006, March). Why aren't we using 3D user interfaces, and will we ever? Paper presented at the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces. |
Conference papers: Unpublished | (Santhanam, Martin, Goody & Hicks, 2001) | Santhanam, E., Martin, K., Goody, A., & Hicks, O. (2001). Bottom-up steps towards closing the loop in feedback on teaching: A CUTSD project. Paper presented at Teaching and Learning Forum - Expanding horizons in teaching and learning, Perth, Australia, 7-9 February 2001. |
Working papers | (Imberman et al., 2009) | Imberman, S., Kugler, A.D., & Sacerdote, B. (2009). Katrina’s children: evidence on the structure of peer effects from hurricane evacuees (Working Paper No. 15291). Retrieved from National Bureau of Economic Research website: |
Thesis in print: Unpublished | (Lockhart, 2009) | Lockhart, E. (2009). The physical education curriculum choices of Western Australian primary school teachers (Unpublished master’s thesis). University of Western Australia. |
Thesis in print: Published | (May, 2007) | May, B. (2007). A survey of radial velocities in the zodiacal dust cloud. Bristol, UK: Canopus Publishing. |
Thesis online: Electronic database | (Brown, 2013) | Brown, Y. (2013). Valuation of Cryptocurrencies (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from,MTkxNTc= |
Newspapers: with author | (Shadid, 2011) | Shadid, A. (2011, November 14). Qatar Wields An Outsize Influence in Arab Politics. The New York Times. Retrieved from |
Newspaper: without author | ("A bouncy bantam", 2006) | A bouncy bantam: A Gulf state asserts itself in the world (2006, September 7). The Economist. Retrieved from |
Reports | (Western Australia. Department of Health Nursing and Midwifery Office, 2013). | Western Australia. Department of Health Nursing and Midwifery Office. (2013). Aboriginal Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan 2011-2015. Retrieved from |
Technical/Company Reports: with author | (Colbert, 2011) | Colbert, C. (2011). Netflix, Inc. Los Gatos, CA United States. Retrieved from |
Technical/Company Reports: no author | (Netflix, 2011) | Netflix, Inc. Lansing, MI United States. (2011). Retrieved from |
Fact sheet | (CSIRO Minerals Down Under National Research Flagship, 2011) | CSIRO Minerals Down Under National Research Flagship. (2011). Driving sustainability through system innovation [Fact sheet]. Retrieved from |
Press release | (Perth Zoo, 2014) | Perth Zoo. (2014, March 11). Meerkat kits born at Perth Zoo [Press release]. Retrieved from |
Web page | (Australian Psychological Society, 2008) | Australian Psychological Society. (2008). Substance abuse: Position statement. Retrieved from Note: When citing an entire website and not a particular document on the website give the address in-text only. No reference list entry required (See APA Style Guide to Electronic Sources, 2013, p. 32) |
Web page: No author | (“Improve indigenous housing”, 2007) Use the first few words of the page title | Improve indigenous housing now, governments told. (2007). Retrieved from |
Web page: No date | (Jones, n.d.) | Jones, M. D. (n.d.). Commentary on indigenous housing initiatives. Retrieved from |
Webpage: No author or date: With quote | (“Mindfulness meditation”, n.d., para 8) Count paragraphs if not numbered | Mindfulness meditation. (n.d.). Retrieved from |
Discussion forum/blog entries | (Genc, 2014) | Genc, D. (2014, February 26). Turkmenistanda Acylan Tolegli Dowlet Okuwlarynyn Yyllyk Nyrhnamasy [Online forum/blog entry]. Retrieved from |
Electronic mailing list | (Anderson, 2005) | Anderson, O. (2005, June 2). Re: Psychology of terrorism [Electronic mailing list message]. Retrieved from |